Our Impact
At SPARC BC, we’re committed to building a just and healthy society for all. For over 50 years, we have worked in partnership with individuals, organizations and all levels of government to meet the social development needs of people and communities to promote positive social policy change.
Committed to the values of social justice, inclusion, integrity and learning, our efforts focus on creating the foundation for advancing our vision of a just and healthy society for all. This includes evidence-based social policy research, targeted outreach and engagement as well as community development and capacity building.

Parking Permit Program for People with Disabilities
SPARC BC has managed the Parking Permit Program for People with Disabilities, since 1984. Every year, we assist more than 50,000 seniors and people with disabilities who depend on us for access to the designated accessible parking spaces in their community. We also respond to thousands of calls and emails about the program and work with local government partners and others to keep the program strong.

We recognize that all of society benefits when everyone is included and work to conduct research, lead public education and engagement campaigns to promote greater equality and access to opportunities for all citizens, We also work in partnership with local governments and others to lead Access Awareness Day which is always held on the first Saturday in June.

Building community capacity to meet local needs continues to be central to our work with communities across B.C. Our team provides outreach, education, workshops and resources through the development of workshops, resource guides and other initiatives to help communities identify and address existing and emerging social development needs and priorities. This includes our Community Development Education program, Learning Initiatives for Rural and Northern BC, as well as development of SPROUT Resources Guides and partnership in the Community Data Program.

SPARC BC’s vision of a just and healthy society for all is one where families and individuals have economic security, affordable housing, access to healthy food, and a sense of dignity and opportunity. Through evidence-based research and partnerships we continue to work to bring social policy issues to the attention of all levels of government, the general public and the media and to let others know that by working together lasting and positive change is possible.

Research, Planning and Consulting Services
Over the years, we have been successful in establishing an amazing team of researchers who use their research, data analysis, community engagement and project management skills to work with all levels of government (federal, provincial, regional, local and First Nations), as well as community-based agencies and service providers to advance social policy change.
All of the accomplishments in SPARC BC’s Annual Reports reflect the enduring commitment of our Board and staff to the values of social justice, inclusion, integrity and learning. These values have set the foundation for our work over the past 54 years and continue to guide us as we move forward in our areas of focus.
The SPARC BC Annual Reports also provide standard AGM reporting for our members and community partners. See all annual reports by clicking the Annual Reports tab on the Publications page.