Advancing social justice and inclusion since 1966
Launching the Local Community Accessibility Grant
This initiative provides one-time funding for local governments, of up to $25,000, to remove barriers for persons with disabilities.
Our Values
Social Justice: We strive for a just and healthy society.
Inclusion: We are committed to achieving full engagement for all citizens.
Integrity: We are independent, accountable, transparent and non-partisan.
Learning: We seek, develop and share knowledge to inform decision-making.
What We Do
These values guide our work in five, interconnected areas of focus. Please visit the pages below to learn more about our work with communities.
Parking Permit Program
Social Policy RESEARCH
Accessibility and inclusion

Who We Work With
Through these five focus areas, we’re committed to supporting Indigenous people, community organizations, seniors, people with disabilities and all levels of government, including First Nations.
How We Do It
We start at the beginning. We gather comprehensive data about BC communities and use it to identify needs and gaps in the social safety net. Working with local governments and communities, we create plans to meet those needs and effect genuine change.

Parking Permit Program
Since 1984, SPARC BC has managed B.C.’s Parking Permit Program for People with Disabilities. Apply for or renew your permit to use designated parking spots anywhere in B.C.